Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happy Thursday 3.24.11

In honor of my recent accomplishments (see post below) and my now growing obsession to get out of town, here is what is making me happy at this very minute!

Gourdes, France

The Fountains of Aix-en-Provence 

Pretty Colors!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


As I discussed at the start of this year, one of my 2011 goals was to follow and complete Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover through his Financial Peace University. Well, I am proud and excited to announce that I have completed Baby Step #1!!! I am beyond excited!! For many reasons.

A:  Before I started this program, this goal, while small in hindsight, seemed so far away! If you've ever taken Dave's class you've heard that it's the easiest yet hardest step to achieve! As we get older and our paychecks continue to increase it's harder to part with 10-20% of our income.

#2:  I just got back my tax return amount and all of that money which the government is returning to me, will all be going towards paying off my debt, at least the majority of it! Which means, I will have completed Baby Step #2 a lot sooner than I thought!

And finally,

D: I'm quickly on my way to living like no one else, so that later, I can live like no one else!

Hello home in Provence!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Thursday 3.17.11

Girls of Scripp's College sunbathing bet 

So there I was, driving home yesterday, sitting in traffic and the sun was beaming down onto my face. I'm not the kind of person who dreads driving home and getting stuck in traffic. Living in Atlanta, that's just part of your daily routine. Some days are worse than others but for the most part I handle it pretty well, at least I think so. Anyways...ok, focus! So like I was saying, I was sitting in my car at a red light and realized that it is definitely spring! I realized this when I noticed that the sun was actually warming my face! Yes, I realize that the sun is out everyday all the time, but it actually occured to me yesterday that the sun was actually warming everything -- and it felt amazing! I could have put my car in park and doozed off for a few minutes had I not been at a very busy intersection. So, in honor of Happy Thursday AND the recent arrival of spring. Here are a few pics that are making me happy right now!



Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Thursday

I have a friend, LPE, who has inspired me (she's inspired me in more ways than one but that will have to come later)! My friend loooooves Thursdays!! I have asked her several times why she loves it so but I have never been able to get an exact answer from her. Her answers normally go along the lines of  "I don't know why, I just do!" I personally think it's the fact that the weekend is just one more day away! But that's just me!

I have also realized that I end up browsing different blogs not reading what they have to say but mainly because the pictures are so purdy! Whenever I'm swamped and I get a little downtime or am just needing a pick me up, I'll go through my list of favorite sites and see what they have to offer! In honor of my dear friend, I've decided to post something (most) every Thursday that makes ME happy and hopefully, you'll like it too!! So here is a picture from The Cinderella Project that I keep going back to and finding delight in:

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